Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The GOP's view of women...Rant.

         The same people who are saying that the President's Healthcare bill, or "ObamaCare" (which is a fun turn of phrase) is unconstitutional and ‘women don’t want the government making the healthcare decisions when they make 80% of the healthcare decisions for themselves and their families’. They why on earth are they also pushing to take away more rights for women over their own healthcare? Abortion, I hate to point out, is a WOMAN’s decision as put forth by the Supreme Court in Roe vs. Wade. There are no rights for the cells that have yet to form a fetus, and according to law and the Catholic church, life doesn’t start at conception (despite the GOP’s best efforts). I cannot help but feel that soon they will push forth that life begins at ‘last call’. I don’t mean to be glib about this, but I need to highlight the insanity. 
And despite the Right’s idea that the left are confused ("you don’t want us to have any say about what you do in your bedrooms but we have to PAY for your birth control?") I must answer this...why do we live in a world where insurance companies cover VIAGRA and not birth control? What “health reasons” are viagra covering exactly? Its only acceptable for women to be on birth control if it is regulating a health condition, but why on earth does it have to be? 
Birth control gives women, usually women living in lower socio-economic brackets, control over their family planning. They should be allowed to live in committed relationships without the idea that a white old man from the GOP gets a right to judge them for not following a certain religious idea that pre-marital sex is wrong. I am from a roman and irish catholic background. I know how certain people feel very seriously about their religion. And I respect that. What I do not respect is when people impose that (either directly or indirectly) on others who might be a different religion (or not religious at all). There is no reason why you cannot be tolerant of all people, even those who don’t believe in a God or religion. It might be difficult for you to understand, but people without religion aren’t without morals. If religion=morals then there wouldn’t be so many priests and pastors who resign in shame.  
    And don't misunderstand, as a taxpayer, I don't have ANY problems with my money going towards a man's DESPERATELY NEEDED FOR HEALTH REASONS Viagra, as long as someone will pay for my birth control. IT IS the same thing. You just don't want it to be...

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