Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Foreign Policy is Complicated

As well it should be, and I know there are two sides to every issue. I recently posted about the misdeeds of Joseph Kony (and I stand by it). But there are reports that the charity Invisible Children might not be giving enough of the money it makes in donations directly to helping the children it represents. If that makes you uncomfortable, then please, don't give to the organization.
However, we can always stand in support of the children who have been victimized by such a ruthless man and hope that those in power will try again to find this man to bring him to justice. Hopefully we don't need to enter the conflict further and the few troops we have sent in an assistance and organization capacity will be able to help bring the conflict to a peaceful resolution.
I am a pacifist and I do not want to send in our troops in order to wage any sort of conflict. That is not in the best interest of anyone.
I merely hope that this ends quickly.

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